Michaels Lyric music + Slice Out Hunger

Very proud of the partnership with Slice Out Hunger (through DistroKid)! Slice Out Hunger produces pizza-related events and campaigns to fight food insecurity across the U.S.. Every time you listen to Michaels Lyric music on Spotify, Pandora or any other streaming platform, 100% will go to provide meals. So, find Michaels Lyric on your favorite music service, hit that PLAY and let’s feed some people!

Michaels Lyric on BBC Introducing

“Hello Michaels Lyric,Good news! We’re going to play one of your tracks on BBC Radio. Your track, Back To The Abbey, will feature on BBC Music Introducing in Hereford & Worcester, on Saturday 27 May 2023 (on bbc_radio_hereford_worcester).”

Star Premiere…

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